Scribbles and Bits
It's been an exciting couple of weeks at chez Screwsan. First and foremost, the household has a new member: the lovely Brad, pictured here holding a baby boer goat, with the help of my mom. It is wonderful to have him around, plus now my bunny have a baby daddy. Kevin's a bastard no longer...well, not in the literal sense, anyway.

Doesn't that just make you want to puke from cuteness? What is cuter than that? If the baby boer goat was holding a kitten, maybe that would be cuter. Maybe.
Second, I'm enjoying a spate of publications this week. When I got home from work yesterday, my copy of the literary anthology I helped compile and edit last year was in the mailbox. The book is called THE WAY WE KNEW IT: Fiction From the First Twenty Five Years of the MFA in Writing Program at Vermont College (1981-2006). Can you say that without running out of breath? I can't. Let's just call it TWWKI. So I spent a lot of time working with my co-editors Christopher Noel and Kate Harding last year, sifting through an amazing, high quality body of submissions to find the stories that fill TWWKI. We also asked a lot of Vermont College graduates whose work we know and love to contribute. As a result, we have a great mix of new voices, like Alex Enders (who just sold her first novel to Plume this week! Congrats Alex!) and more established writers, like Alicia Erian and Naama Goldstein. Here's the cover. First the front:

Now turn around and let's see you from behind.

So obviously I'm biased, but I really do think the stories in the anthology are fucking awesome. And while I love the cover and think it is absolutely beautiful, the classic look of it sort of belies the feeling of the collection itself, which I think strikes a great balance between very strong traditional narrative stories and pieces that are more experimental--strange, sad, funny funny stuff.
Vermont hasn't decided yet how they want to sell it yet, so I can't actually tell you how to get ahold of a copy if you're so inclined, but I'll put out an update when they figure it out.
Finally, on September 6, my very short story "Magic Trick" is going to be posted live on the Daily Palette website, which is sponsored by the University of Iowa and the Iowa Review as part of the Iowa Writes project. A few times every week for two years, starting this summer, the Daily Palette will feature short stories or poems by writers who self-identify as Iowan. Luckily, The Daily Palette can see into the future--my story is already archived. Link here, or visit The Daily Palette website to browse other writers stuff. It's a pretty neat-o site.
And last on my list of small wonders this week: I have the internet at home now! All I had to do was go to Best Buy, make some hand signals at one of the blue-poloed salesfolk and cough up $40 for a wireless router. Convincing my crazy Russian landlord to let me mess around with his magical Verizon set-up was a little trickier, but with some native-speaker, electronics-instructions-reading skills (mine) and some vodka (his) we figured everything out. Ah, my pretty interweb, how did I ever pass the evenings without you?

Doesn't that just make you want to puke from cuteness? What is cuter than that? If the baby boer goat was holding a kitten, maybe that would be cuter. Maybe.
Second, I'm enjoying a spate of publications this week. When I got home from work yesterday, my copy of the literary anthology I helped compile and edit last year was in the mailbox. The book is called THE WAY WE KNEW IT: Fiction From the First Twenty Five Years of the MFA in Writing Program at Vermont College (1981-2006). Can you say that without running out of breath? I can't. Let's just call it TWWKI. So I spent a lot of time working with my co-editors Christopher Noel and Kate Harding last year, sifting through an amazing, high quality body of submissions to find the stories that fill TWWKI. We also asked a lot of Vermont College graduates whose work we know and love to contribute. As a result, we have a great mix of new voices, like Alex Enders (who just sold her first novel to Plume this week! Congrats Alex!) and more established writers, like Alicia Erian and Naama Goldstein. Here's the cover. First the front:

Now turn around and let's see you from behind.

So obviously I'm biased, but I really do think the stories in the anthology are fucking awesome. And while I love the cover and think it is absolutely beautiful, the classic look of it sort of belies the feeling of the collection itself, which I think strikes a great balance between very strong traditional narrative stories and pieces that are more experimental--strange, sad, funny funny stuff.
Vermont hasn't decided yet how they want to sell it yet, so I can't actually tell you how to get ahold of a copy if you're so inclined, but I'll put out an update when they figure it out.
Finally, on September 6, my very short story "Magic Trick" is going to be posted live on the Daily Palette website, which is sponsored by the University of Iowa and the Iowa Review as part of the Iowa Writes project. A few times every week for two years, starting this summer, the Daily Palette will feature short stories or poems by writers who self-identify as Iowan. Luckily, The Daily Palette can see into the future--my story is already archived. Link here, or visit The Daily Palette website to browse other writers stuff. It's a pretty neat-o site.
And last on my list of small wonders this week: I have the internet at home now! All I had to do was go to Best Buy, make some hand signals at one of the blue-poloed salesfolk and cough up $40 for a wireless router. Convincing my crazy Russian landlord to let me mess around with his magical Verizon set-up was a little trickier, but with some native-speaker, electronics-instructions-reading skills (mine) and some vodka (his) we figured everything out. Ah, my pretty interweb, how did I ever pass the evenings without you?