Surf or Ski
So, USC just let me into their PhD program. The remarkable Aimee Bender called me last night to tell me the news. I stumbled and quivered and even said something embarrassingly fangirl ("I love your work!"). I'm calling the department head to find out more info today. USC was such a long shot for me that I hadn't even considered what would happen if I got in. They accept like 2 people in fiction per year. Hope that doesn't smack of horn tooting. I'm as surprised as anyone. I've had a long winter you guys. The thaw has finally come.
Congrats on the acceptances! I would choose the Surf and Compton!
I'll visit you either place! Congrats, I couldn't be more proud of my friend. xoxo, The Muzz
It was great meeting you on Saturday and now I'm dying to hear what you decided after your meet and greet with USC.
(Tamara from AwkwardlySocial)
Tamara, it was great to meet you too. And amid so much IMPORTANT ART. USC was so impressive. Did you know they have 10 libraries? I mean, probably you did, but I didn't. Whoa!
The other creative writers were cool. I was the oldest person there. Which is okay actually.
I just don't think I can afford LA on the crappy money they're throwing at me. I don't know I don't know! I'm taking the weekend to drive myself crazy and settle on a decision.
In any case, thanks for asking! I hope we get more time to hang out in the future.
The money situation in LA can certainly be daunting. There are still semi-affordable apartments in semi-non-sketchy neighborhoods, but yeah, it's tough.
As for the 10 libraries? I knew there were many, but I didn't know there were 10! It seems a little excessive, right?
Good luck deciding!
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